
Due to the fact that I am extremely particular when it comes to formatting things on the internet, my resume looked no good copied and pasted here. The link provided takes you directly to a neater version of that document.

Carmen J. Ebert's Resume

You will need the latest version of Adobe Reader in order to view the resume.

Resume Tape from Carmen Ebert on Vimeo.

Compilation of projects done during Fall Semester 2009 at the University of Montana.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mountain Brook Studio - Made in Montana spring 2009

"Business: Made in Montana" is a joint project between the Radio/TV Production and Broadcast Journalism students at the University of Montana. We research businesses in the state that produce their wares from the ground up. Then we go out and shoot the whole process from beginning to end and interview the creators to put the spotlight on unique ways to make a living in the Treasure State.

All segments from the class are edited into a half hour program that airs on Montana PBS the following August. MT PBS reaches roughly 90% or more of cable viewers in the state.

Mountain Brook Studio is nestled at the bottom of the Rocky Mountains in northwest Montana near the Lewis Range. Tom and Marcie Briney purchased the property in 1989 and have ran the business, with great success, ever since.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Amanda Cevallos CD Release Party

A joint project between Katrina Heser and myself.

Former local musician Amanda Cevallos held a release party for her newest album at The Badlander bar in early March. Soon after she departed for the Lone Star State to further her career in Texas. We caught her after her show.

Katrina and I both went out and shot the performance and interviewed the subjects, then wrote the story and edited it.

Snuggie Infomercial

As a fun project for our Junior year spring semester, we were asked to produce/direct/edit an infomercial for any product. Two Snuggies were lying around my house and we could not think of anything better.

My main duties for this project were to edit and design graphics.